I'm a seller
ENPS means buying and selling new or used electric motors easily
ENPS is an innovative company specializing in online sales of industrial electric motors to all types of customers such as industries, OEMs, service companies and to all people involved in this market.
We supply inventory from our warehouses and other major engine dealers and facilitate our buyers' key engine purchases through our B2C marketplace. Our marketplace is completely safe, transparent and relies on efficient professionals.
Buying and selling at ENPS is innovation. We have created a breakthrough in the market to respond to the current needs of the market, which is constantly looking for more reliability, efficiency and performance.
Your benefits
Expansion of geographical presence
Taking advantage of the new sales channel
Taking advantage of all sales opportunities
Inventory improvement
No direct competition
No need to invest
Optional publication of prices
In other words, a more efficient economic model, which provides added value for all players and supports other traditional sales networks.
With a marketplace that adapts to specific customer needs, developing new tools and services, ENPS puts the customer first and makes sure they are satisfied.